Baldur’s Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough

Baldur’s Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough Find the Nightsong is a quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 that involves exploring the Underdark and finding a powerful artifact that can cure the tadpole infection. There are different ways to complete this quest, depending on your choices and actions. The objective of the Find the Nightsong quest is to locate a powerful artifact that can cure the tadpole infection. The Nightsong is hidden in a plane called the Shadowfell, which can only be accessed by completing the Gauntlet of Shar in the Underdark. A dude in Baldur’s Gate is all like, “Yo, I’ll hook you up with some serious dough if you hand over the Nightsong.” But hey, no judgment, you might just wanna keep that sweet Nightsong for yourself or use it for something else, totally up to you.

Step 1: Speak to Zevlor for the Nightsong Quest

Your journey begins in the heart of Baldur’s Gate 3, where you’ll stumble upon a mysterious faction known as the Knights of the Nightsong. To kickstart this quest, make your way to the Blighted Village and have a chat with Zevlor, the leader of the faction. He will provide you with valuable information about the missing artifact and the danger it poses to the region.

Step 2: Investigate the Crash Site for the Nightsong Quest

Zevlor will inform you that the Nightsong was last seen crashing somewhere in the vicinity. Use your keen instincts and follow the path leading to the crash site. You might encounter some enemies along the way, so be prepared to fight your way through. Keep your eyes peeled for any clues that could lead to the whereabouts of Nightsong.

Baldur's Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough

Step 3: Locate the Goblins

As you explore the surrounding area, you’ll come across a suspicious goblin camp. It’s essential to stealthily approach the camp and gather information without alerting the goblins. Engage in conversations and use your persuasion or intimidation skills to extract valuable information about the Nightsong’s current location.

Baldur's Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough

Step 4: Battle the Goblin Leader

After extracting information from the goblins, you’ll learn that their leader has taken the Nightsong as a trophy. Prepare yourself for an epic showdown as you confront the goblin leader and his minions. This battle will test your skills and strategy, so make sure to utilize your party’s unique abilities to gain the upper hand.

Step 5: Retrieve the Nightsong

Once you’ve defeated the goblin leader and his minions, it’s time to retrieve the Nightsong. Search the area thoroughly, keeping an eye out for any hidden chambers or secret compartments. The Nightsong is a powerful artifact, so make sure to handle it with care.

Step 6: Return to Zevlor

With the Nightsong in your possession, return to Zevlor and deliver the artifact to him. He will express his gratitude and reward you for your bravery. This also marks the completion of the “Find the Nightsong” quest.

Conclusion for Baldur’s Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough

Baldur's Gate 3: Find the Nightsong Quest Walkthrough

The conclusion of the Find the Nightsong quest depends on your choices and actions. You can either:

  • Kill the Nightsong and take her heart to the wizard Lorroakan for a reward.
  • Save the Nightsong and use her power to cure your tadpole infection.
  • Side with Lorroakan and let him take the Nightsong to Baldur’s Gate.
  • Betray Lorroakan and keep the Nightsong for yourself.

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