For The King 2 How To Beat The Silver Snake?

For The King 2 How To Beat The Silver Snake The Silver Snake is a giant serpent that lives in the Silver Forest, a dark and mysterious area that is part of the third chapter of For The King 2. The Silver Snake is the final boss of this chapter, and you will have to face it after clearing the forest of its minions and finding the hidden entrance to its lair.

The Silver Snake has a lot of health, armor, and resistance, and it can deal massive damage with its bite, tail whip, and venom spit attacks. It can also use a special move called Devour, which can instantly kill one of your party members and heal the snake for a large amount of health. The Silver Snake is immune to stun, bleed, freeze, and shock effects, so you must rely on other strategies to defeat it.

Prepare Well For The Fight

Before you enter the Silver Forest, you should make sure that your party is well-equipped and well-rested. You will need a lot of healing items, such as God’s Beard, Panax, and Healing Herbs, to counter the snake’s poison and damage. You will also need some items that can boost your stats, such as Golden Root, Focus Herbs, and Lucky Clover, to increase your chances of hitting and dodging the snake’s attacks.

You should also have some items that can deal elemental damage, such as Fire Silk, Frost Silk, and Storm Silk, to bypass the snake’s armor and resistance. You should also have some items that can remove or prevent negative effects, such as Purify Scroll, Sanctum Scroll, and Immunity Ring, to protect yourself from the snake’s venom and stun.

How To Beat The Silver Snake

It would help if you also chose your party members wisely, as different classes have different strengths and weaknesses against the snake.

The Hunter is good at dealing physical damage and piercing the snake’s armor but is vulnerable to the snake’s poison and stun.

The Scholar is good at dealing magical damage and healing the party but is weak to the snake’s bite and tail whip.

The Blacksmith is good at tanking the snake’s attacks and boosting the party’s armor but is slow and has low accuracy.

You should try to balance your party’s damage, defense, and support abilities, and choose the classes that suit your playstyle and preference.

Attacks of the Silver Snake:

Once you enter the snake’s lair, you must face it in turn-based combat. The snake will act first, and then your party members will take turns according to their speed. The snake has four main attacks: Bite, Tail Whip, Venom Spit, and Devour.

Bite is a single-target attack that deals physical damage and can stun the target.

Tail Whip is an area-of-effect attack that deals physical damage and can knock back the targets.

Venom Spit is a single-target attack that deals magical damage and can poison the target.

Devour is a special attack that can only be used when the snake’s health is below 50%, and it can instantly kill one of your party members and heal the snake for a large amount of health.

Tricks For The King 2 How To Beat The Silver Snake

1. Use your Focus points wisely.

2. Use your elemental items and skills.

3. Use your healing and support items and skills.

4. Use your teamwork and coordination.

  • Use your Focus points wisely. Focus points are essential for increasing your accuracy, damage, and critical chance, as well as activating some of your skills and items. You should use your Focus points to ensure that your attacks hit the snake, especially when you use your elemental items or your strongest skills. You should also use your Focus points to dodge the snake’s attacks, especially its Devour move, which can be fatal. You can restore your Focus points by using items like Golden Root and Focus Herbs, or by resting at campsites or inns before the fight.

  • Use your elemental items and skills. The snake has high armor and resistance, which means that your normal attacks will deal reduced damage to it. To bypass its defenses, you should use your elemental items and skills, such as Fire Silk, Frost Silk, Storm Silk, Fire Blast, Frost Blast, and Storm Blast. These items and skills can deal extra damage to the snake, as well as inflict some status effects, such as burn, freeze, and shock. These status effects can lower the snake’s stats, such as armor, resistance, speed, and damage, and make it easier to defeat. You should try to use the element that the snake is weakest to, which can vary depending on the difficulty level and the randomization of the game.
How To Beat The Silver Snake
  • Use your healing and support items and skills. The snake can deal a lot of damage to your party, as well as poison and stun them. To survive its attacks, you should use your healing and support items and skills, such as God’s Beard, Panax, Healing Herbs, Heal, Mend, and Encourage. These items and skills can restore your health, remove or prevent poison, and boost your morale, which can increase your stats and prevent you from fleeing. You should also use items and skills that can boost your armor, resistance, speed, and damage, such as Iron Hide, Shield Wall, Haste, and Inspire. These items and skills can make you more durable, faster, and stronger, and give you an edge over the snake. You should try to heal and support your party members regularly, and prioritize the ones that are low on health, poisoned, or stunned.

  • Use your teamwork and coordination. The snake is a tough enemy that can easily overwhelm you if you fight it alone. To defeat it, you will need to use your teamwork and coordination and make use of your party’s synergies and abilities. For example, you can use the Hunter’s Mark skill to lower the snake’s armor and resistance, and then follow up with the Scholar’s Blast skills to deal more damage. You can also use the Blacksmith’s Taunt skill to draw the snake’s attention, and then use the Hunter’s Evasion skill to dodge its attacks. You can also use the Scholar’s Restore skill to replenish the Blacksmith’s Focus points, and then use the Blacksmith’s Smash skill to deal a powerful blow to the snake. You should try to communicate and cooperate with your party members and plan your moves.


The Silver Snake is one of the most formidable foes you will face in For The King 2, but it is not impossible to beat. With proper preparation, strategy, and teamwork, you can overcome the snake and complete the third chapter of the game.

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