How To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company

How To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company Lethal Company is a co-op horror game where you and your friends have to scavenge for scrap on abandoned moons and sell it to the Company. Sounds easy, right? Well, not quite. You also have to deal with hostile aliens, environmental hazards, and the Company’s strict quota system. If you fail to meet the quota, you will be fired and left to die in space. So, how can you get a $1000 quota in Lethal Company? Here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

Tips and Tricks To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company

1. Choose Your Tools Wisely

2. Explore The Moon

3. Avoid or Fight The Creatures

4. Return To Your Ship

5. Sell The Scrap

How To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company

Choose Your Tools Wisely

Before you start your mission, you have to choose your tools from the shop. You can buy up to four tools, each with different functions and prices. Some tools are essential, such as the scanner, the welder, and the cutter. The scanner helps you locate scrap and creatures, the welder repairs your ship and doors, and the cutter breaks down scrap into smaller pieces. Other tools are optional, but can be very useful, such as the flare, the shield, and the stim. The flare creates a bright light that can scare away some creatures, the shield protects you from damage for a short time, and the stim boosts your speed and health for a short time. However, each tool has a limited amount of charges, so use them wisely. Also, remember that the more tools you buy, the more money you have to spend, which reduces your profit margin.

Explore The Moon

Once you land on the moon, you have to explore the area and find scrap. Scrap can be found in various places, such as buildings, vehicles, crates, and corpses. Some scrap is easy to spot, while others are hidden or locked behind doors or puzzles. You can use your scanner to detect scrap and creatures, but be careful, as the scanner also makes noise that can attract unwanted attention. You can also use your cutter to break down scrap into smaller pieces, which makes them easier to carry and store. However, cutting scrap also makes noise and sparks, which can also alert creatures. You have to balance the risk and reward of exploring the moon, as you may find valuable scrap but also encounter dangerous situations.

Avoid or Fight The Creatures

The moons are not empty, as they are inhabited by various creatures that are hostile to you and your crew. Some creatures are small and weak, such as the crawler, the leech, and the spitter. Others are large and strong, such as the brute, the hunter, and the queen. Each creature has its own behavior, attack pattern, and weakness. You can use your scanner to identify the creatures and their health, but you can also learn from experience and observation. You have two options when you encounter a creature: avoid or fight. Avoiding is usually the safer option, as you can use stealth, distraction, or evasion to escape. Fighting is usually the riskier option, as you can use your tools, weapons, or environment to damage or kill the creature. However, fighting also consumes your resources makes noise, and can cause injuries. You have to decide whether it is worth fighting or not, depending on the situation and the creature.

How To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company

Return To Your Ship

After you have collected enough scrap, or when the time is running out, you have to return to your ship and deposit the scrap. You can use your scanner to find the way back to your ship, but be careful, as the creatures may follow you or ambush you on the way. You can also use your welder to repair your ship and doors, which can prevent creatures from entering or damaging your ship. Once you reach your ship, you have to store the scrap in the cargo bay, which has a limited capacity. You can use your cutter to reduce the size of the scrap, which can save space and increase the value of the scrap. However, cutting scrap inside the ship also makes noise and sparks, which can also attract creatures. You have to balance the quantity and quality of the scrap, as well as the safety of your ship.

Sell The Scrap

Once you have stored the scrap in your ship, you have to sell it to the Company. The Company will pay you a certain amount of money for each piece of scrap, depending on its type, size, and condition. The Company will also deduct a certain amount of money for each tool you bought, as well as for any damage to your ship or injuries to your crew. The difference between the money you earned and the money you spent is your profit, which is your quota. You have to meet or exceed the quota to complete the mission and keep your job. If you fail to meet the quota, you will be fired and left to die in space.

Conclusion for How To Get $1000 Quota in Lethal Company

Lethal Company is a challenging and thrilling game that tests your skills, strategy, and teamwork. You have to scavenge for scrap, avoid or fight creatures, return to your ship, and sell the scrap to the Company. You have to meet the $1000 quota to survive and succeed. It is not easy, but it is possible, if you follow these tips and tricks.

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