How to Pick Up Opponents in AEW: Fight Forever

How to Pick Up Opponents in AEW: Fight Forever: Welcome to the enthralling world of AEW Fight Forever, where the excitement of professional wrestling is brought to life in a dynamic and engaging gaming experience. Inspired by the real-life All Elite Wrestling company, AEW Fight Forever lets players put themselves in the shoes of their favorite wrestlers and battle in dramatic matches loaded with high-flying action, thrilling techniques, and strategic gameplay.

Every minute matters in the ring, and one crucial talent that may make a major difference in your battles is the ability to pick up your opponents. Picking up downed opponents not only allows you to keep control of the match’s flow, but it also lays the platform for tremendous maneuvers and perhaps securing victory.

In this guide, we will walk you through How to Pick Up Opponents in AEW: Fight Forever. The techniques and strategies for successfully lifting and controlling your opponents in AEW Fight Forever.

How to Pick Up Opponents in AEW: Fight Forever: Grab and Lift

To pick up your downed opponents in AEW Fight Forever, you can use the Grab and Lift technique. Follow these steps to execute it effectively:

  1. Approach the Downed Opponent: Move towards the downed opponent by closing the distance between your wrestler and their prone body. Position yourself correctly to initiate the grab.
  2. Press the Grab Button: Press the appropriate button for your gaming platform – A on Xbox, X on PlayStation, B on Switch, or K on the keyboard. This will allow your wrestler to grab hold of the downed opponent.
  3. Execute the Lift: Once you have successfully grabbed your opponent, it’s time to lift them off the canvas. Press the Lift button – ( RB/R1 on Xbox/PlayStation, ZL/L1 on Switch, or F on the keyboard). This action will raise your opponent to a standing position, ready for your next move.
How to Pick Up Opponents in AEW: Fight Forever

Irish Whip

In addition to the Grab and Lift technique, you can also use the Irish Whip maneuver. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Approach the Downed Opponent: Close in on the downed opponent, positioning yourself correctly to initiate the Irish Whip. Maintain proximity to execute the move successfully.
  2. Perform the Grab: Press the Grab button – A on Xbox, X on PlayStation, B on Switch. And K on the keyboard. This action will allow your wrestler to grab hold of the downed opponent.
  3. Execute the Light Attack: Immediately after the Grab, press the Light Attack button – (X on Xbox, Square on PlayStation, Y on Switch, or J on the keyboard). This will unleash the Irish Whip, propelling your opponent across the ring.
  4. Follow Up with the Lift: After performing the Irish Whip, quickly press the Lift button – (RB/R1 on Xbox/PlayStation, ZL/L1 on Switch. And F on the keyboard). This will enable you to pick up your opponent, keeping the momentum of the match in your favour.

Mastering Picking Up Opponents

Now that you understand the fundamental techniques, let’s explore some additional tips and strategies to enhance your ability to pick up opponents in AEW Fight Forever:

Timing is Crucial

Mastering the timing of your button inputs is essential for executing successful pickups. Practice your timing in various scenarios to improve your precision.

Utilize the Environment

Take advantage of the ring environment. Use objects such as tables or chairs to your advantage when executing pickups. This can create opportunities for impactful moves and set up devastating finishers.

Experiment with Different Moves

AEW Fight Forever offers a wide array of moves to choose from. Explore different slams, suplexes, and powerbombs to find the ones that suit your wrestling style and deliver maximum impact.


Being able to pick up your opponents in AEW Fight Forever is a crucial skill that can dictate the flow of a match and help you secure victory. By mastering the Grab and Lift technique, as well as the advanced Irish Whip manoeuvre and employing effective timing and strategic use of the environment, you can dominate your opponents in the ring. Practice these techniques, experiment with different moves, and develop your own unique wrestling style in AEW Fight Forever. So step into the virtual ring, assert your dominance, and show the world what you’re capable of in AEW Fight Forever!

For more in-depth guides and articles on AEW Fight Forever and other exciting topics in the world of gaming, be sure to visit Gameophobic.

Also, read AEW: Fight Forever How to Reverse and Counter.

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