How To Summon Zolguroth in Geometry Dash: Geometry Dash is one of the most popular mobile games out there. It has been around for years and even after multiple versions being released, Its fast-paced exciting gameplay is enough for you to spend hours on.
Geometry Dash includes hundreds of levels ranging from easy to extremely difficult. You always start with the easier ones but as you move further into the game, the skills and reflexes required are almost God-like.
Another rewarding aspect of Geometry Dash is the inclusion of ‘Icons’. These are your character avatars shaped like your math geometry box. One of the most iconic and fun icons in the game is that of the Zolguroth. In this article, we will talk about how to summon Zolguroth in Geometry Dash and keep it for yourself.
How To Summon Zolguroth in Geometry Dash
Zolguroth is a geometry dash 2.2 entity that can be found in the geometry dash world. You get a free icon for summoning him. By following these instructions, you can summon Zolguroth and obtain a free icon in Geometry Dash World, which is currently on a prerelease of update 2.2.
1. Go to the Level Select Menu in Geometry Dash and open the Shop
2. Start tapping repeatedly until you see the following dialogue prompt from him.
3. After the dialogue goes away, go back to tapping on the shopkeeper again until you see the following prompt.
4. Get past the prompt and continue to tap the shopkeeper, the goal here is to irritate him out of his senses.
5. Keep going and tapping while dismissing his dialogues.
6. Once you achieve about 70 taps, the shopkeeper will get very angry and turn into the god Zolguroth himself.
7. He will then ask you to leave and close the shop by himself.
8. At this stage, if you open the shop again, you will be greeted by a confused shopkeeper and he will inform you that you have a package from an unknown identity.
9. Upon opening the chest, you will soon realize that you have been awarded the Zolguroth icon. But it doesn’t end here, there is one more surprise waiting for you.
10. When you equip the Zolgurith icon and start a level, you will instead be transported to a hidden level known as the Temple of Zolgurith.
Congratulations, all the tapping and irritating the shopkeeper has finally led you to Zolgurith in his temple.
Finally, this is the only way to gain access to Zolgurith in Geometry Dash. Remember that there is not definite number of taps for you to count. The secret to summoning Zolgurith is to just keep tapping until the shopkeeper just gives up and transforms into the God Zolgurith himself.
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