Should You Steal The Earth Savior Award in Starfield

Should You Steal The Earth Savior Award in Starfield The Earth Savior Award, a rare and prestigious trophy that is coveted by many.The Earth Savior Award is given to those who have made significant contributions to saving the planet Earth from environmental and social disasters. It is a symbol of honor and respect, but also of wealth and power. The award is located in a safe inside the Purser’s Office on the Siren of the Stars, and you can access it by obtaining a Claim ID card from a woman named Holbrooke, who is attending a party on the ship.

 The Earth Savior Award in Starfield

However, stealing the Earth Savior Award is not as simple as it sounds. There are several factors that you need to consider before deciding whether to go for it or not. Here are some of the pros and cons of stealing the Earth Savior Award in Starfield.

Advantages of Stealing The Earth Savior Award

  • You can make a lot of money by selling the award. The award is worth more than 10,000 credits on the black market, and you can increase your profit margin by haggling with traders or using your Commerce skills. You can use the money to buy better gear, upgrade your ship, or invest in other ventures.
 The Earth Savior Award in Starfield
  • You can impress Naeva, the leader of the Crimson Fleet, who hired you for the Breaking the Bank quest. Naeva has been after the Earth Savior Award for years, and she will reward you generously if you give it to her. She will give you 6,000 credits (or 3,000 if you mention the award to Captain Rokov, who is also interested in it) and some XP for completing the quest. She will also respect you more and trust you with more important missions in the future.
The Earth Savior Award
  • You can satisfy your curiosity and learn more about the history and lore of Starfield. The Earth Savior Award is not just a shiny object, but a piece of history that tells a story about the people who shaped the fate of Earth and humanity. You can examine the award in your inventory and read its description, which will reveal some interesting facts and secrets about Starfield’s world.

Disadvantages of Stealing It

  • You can risk getting caught and ruining your reputation. Stealing the Earth Savior Award is not an easy task, and you need to be careful not to alert any guards or witnesses on the ship. If you get caught, you will have to fight your way out or escape quickly, which will damage your relationship with the Siren of the Stars crew and passengers. You will also lose your chance to complete any other quests or activities on the ship, such as gambling, dancing, or mingling with other guests.
  • You can anger Naeva if you lie to her and keep the award for yourself. Naeva will ask you if you managed to steal the award when you return to The Key, her base of operations. If you lie to her and say that you couldn’t find it, she will be very upset and deduct your pay for the Breaking the Bank quest. She will also lose trust in you and may not offer you more missions or opportunities in the future.
  • You can miss out on other rewards or experiences on the ship. Stealing the Earth Savior Award may take some time and effort, which could prevent you from exploring other parts of the ship or completing other objectives. For example, you may not be able to sabotage the ship’s engines or hack into its systems, which could have different outcomes and consequences for your quest. You may also not be able to enjoy some of the amenities or entertainment options on the ship, such as playing games, watching shows, or meeting new people.
The Earth Savior Award

Conclusion for Should You Steal The Earth Savior Award in Starfield

Stealing the Earth Savior Award in Starfield is a choice that depends on your personal preferences and playstyle. There is no right or wrong answer, but only different consequences and rewards. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each option and decide what matters most to you:- money, reputation, curiosity, or something else.

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