Best Bleed Build In Remnant 2

Best Bleed Build In Remnant 2 If you are looking for a way to deal massive damage to your enemies in Remnant 2, you might want to try a Bleed Build. This is a type of build that focuses on inflicting bleeding effects on your foes, which causes them to lose health over time. A Bleed Build can be very effective against bosses and large groups of enemies, as you can stack up the bleeding damage and watch them bleed out.

In this blog post, I will show you how to create the best Bleed Build in Remnant 2 and also explain the different types of Bleed Builds that you can experiment with.

Steps to create the best Bleed Build in Remnant 2

  1. The core of the best Bleed Build in Remnant 2 is the Merciless weapon, which is a long gun that has a 10% crit chance and a 100% weak spot damage bonus. It also has a unique mod called Bloodline, which fires a blast that penetrates and staggers enemies and grants a 25% crit damage bonus and a 50% damage increase for every enemy hit by the blast. This weapon is perfect for causing bleeding effects, as it can hit multiple targets and deal massive damage.

To craft the Merciless weapon, you will need the following resources:

  • x1 Crimson Membrane
  • x7 Lumenite Crystal
  • x650 Scrap

You can obtain the Crimson Membrane from the Ravager boss in Yaesha by either defeating it or solving its bell puzzle.

2. Choose the right Archetypes for your Bleed Build. The best combination is Gunslinger and Hunter, as they both enhance your crit damage and weak spot damage. Gunslinger is your primary Archetype, as it gives you unlimited ammo reserves, a faster firing rate, and reduced reload time. This allows you to keep firing at your enemies and land more critical hits. Gunslingers also have a skill called Bulletstorm, which lets you fire without consuming ammo for a short duration.

Hunter is your secondary Archetype, as it improves your accuracy and handling of the Merciless weapon. It also has a skill called Deadeye, which increases your damage by 15% for each consecutive shot on the same target. Hunter also has a skill called Focus, which increases your crit chance by 10% when aiming down sights.

3. The final step is to equip some items that boost your Bleed Build even further. Here are some of the best items for this purpose:

  • Ravager’s Mark Amulet: This amulet increases your damage to bleeding targets by 20%. You can get it from the Ravager boss in Yaesha by siding with him instead of fighting him.
  • Razorstone Ring: This ring increases your bleeding effect duration by 50%. You can get it from the Undying King in Rhom, by giving him the Guardian’s Heart instead of killing him.
  • Bloodletter’s Insignia: This insignia heals you for 10% of the damage dealt by bleeding effects. You can get it from the Claviger boss in Rhom, by destroying its crystals before killing it.

Types of Bleed Builds in Remnant 2

  • Melee Bleed Build: This type of Bleed Build uses melee weapons instead of guns to cause bleeding effects. You will need a melee weapon that has a high crit chance and weak spot damage bonus, such as the Riven or the Scar of the Jungle God. You will also need some mods that enhance your melee attacks, such as Corrosive Aura or Frenzy Dust. For Archetypes, you can use Assassin and Warrior, as they both increase your melee damage and crit damage. For items, you can use the same ones as the best Bleed Build, or swap them for others that suit your melee style.
Best Bleed Build In Remnant 2
  • Hybrid Bleed Build: This type of Bleed Build uses both guns and melee weapons to cause bleeding effects. You will need a gun that has a high crit chance and weak spot damage bonus, such as the Merciless or the Devastator. You will also need a melee weapon that has a high crit chance and weak spot damage bonus, such as the Riven or the Scar of the Jungle God. For mods, you can use any that enhances your gun or melee attacks, such as Bloodline or Corrosive Aura. For Archetypes, you can use Gunslinger and Assassin, as they both increase your crit damage and weak spot damage. For items, you can use any that boosts your bleeding effects or healing.
Best Bleed Build In Remnant 2
  • Elemental Bleed Build: This type of Bleed Build uses elemental damage to cause bleeding effects. You will need a gun that has an elemental damage type, such as the Spitfire or the Eye of the Storm. You will also need a mod that adds an elemental damage type to your attacks, such as Hot Shot or Stormcaller. For Archetypes, you can use Elementalist and Hunter, as they both increase your elemental damage and crit damage. For items, you can use any that enhances your elemental damage or bleeding effects.

Conclusion for Best Bleed Build In Remnant 2

Bleed Builds are one of the most powerful and fun ways to play Remnant 2. They allow you to deal massive damage to your enemies over time, and also heal yourself from the damage you inflict. You can create the best Bleed Build in Remnant 2 by using the Merciless weapon, the Gunslinger and Hunter Archetypes, and some items that boost your bleeding effects and healing. You can also try out other types of Bleed Builds, such as Melee, Hybrid, or Elemental Bleed Builds. The choice is yours.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about Bleed Builds in Remnant 2. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

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