How to Move Loose Stone in BG3 (Baldur’s Gate 3)

How to Move Loose Stone in BG3 (Baldur’s Gate 3) Loose stones are environmental objects that you may encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3, especially in Act 1. They can hide valuable items or secrets underneath them, so you may want to move them and see what you can find. However, not all loose stones can be moved easily, and some may require a certain amount of strength or a specific skill to lift them. In this guide, we will show you some of the ways you can move loose stones in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Use a Character with High Strength

The most straightforward way to move loose stones is to use a character with a high strength stat. This will allow you to drag and drop the loose stones without much difficulty. You can also throw them to a nearby location if you want to clear some space. To do this, you need to:

  • Select a character with a strength stat of at least 10. You can check your character’s stats by pressing “C” on your keyboard or clicking on the character portrait.
  • Click and hold on the loose stone you want to move. You will see a green outline around it and a cursor indicating where you can drop it.
  • Drag the loose stone to the desired location and release the mouse button. You will see the loose stone move and reveal any items or secrets underneath it.

Some loose stones may require a higher strength stat than 10 to move them. For example, the loose stone in the Abandoned Refuge requires a strength of 13 to lift it. You can increase your strength stat temporarily by using items or spells that boost your attributes, such as the Elixir of Giant Strength or the Enhance Ability spell.

How to Move Loose Stone in BG3 (Baldur’s Gate 3)

Use the Thunderwave Spell

Another way to move loose stones is to use the Thunderwave spell, which is available to sorcerers and bards. This spell creates a blast of thunderous force that pushes away everything within a 15-foot cube originating from you. This can affect loose stones as well as enemies and allies, so be careful where you cast it. To do this, you need to:

  • Select a character that can cast the Thunderwave spell. You can check your character’s spells by pressing “N” on your keyboard or clicking on the spellbook icon.
  • Click on the Thunderwave spell icon and choose a target area within range. You will see a blue outline indicating the area of effect of the spell.
  • Confirm your choice and cast the spell. You will see the loose stone and anything else within the area get pushed away by the force of the spell.

The Thunderwave spell can also deal damage and knock prone any creatures within the area, so you can use it as a combat tactic as well. However, the spell also makes a loud noise that can alert nearby enemies, so be aware of the consequences of using it.

How to Move Loose Stone in BG3 (Baldur’s Gate 3)

Conclusion for How to Move Loose Stone in BG3 (Baldur’s Gate 3)

Moving loos in Baldur’s Gate 3 can reveal hidden items or secrets that can enhance your gameplay experience. You can move loose stones by using a character with high strength, using the Thunderwave spell, or using other methods that can affect the environment. Remember to explore the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 and see what you can discover.

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