Remnant 2: Red Widow Armor | Guide and Location In the enchanting world of Yaesha, where humanoid deer-like creatures, the Pan, reside amidst the beauty of nature. In this realm, the Red Widow armor set, known for its good protection and resistance against Bleed and Blight, awaits those brave enough to face The Lament dungeon. Let’s embark on a thrilling journey to uncover the secrets of The Lament and claim the powerful Red Widow armor.
The Lament Dungeon: A Puzzle Challenge
Our first task is to find The Lament dungeon, hidden in either the Forgotten Grove or Faithless Thicket. This dungeon is a maze filled with riddles, traps, and enemies. But fear not, I’ll guide you through each challenge!
Arrow Corridor: Sneaky Avoidance
In the dungeon, we’ll face an arrow corridor with traps on both sides. We need to crouch and move carefully to avoid the arrows. Pressure plates can help change the arrow timing, and we’ll find a lever for a shortcut.
Shrouded Bodies: Decoding the Runes
We’ll encounter shrouded bodies with symbols and a journal with a rune. Our task is to match the symbols on the bodies to the glowing runes and enter them correctly into a wheel by the door to proceed.
Checkpoint: Rest and Refuel
We’ll discover a checkpoint for a breather, where we can replenish our supplies. Two chests hold the Blood Font mod, healing us with melee attacks, and the Blood-Tinged Ring, increasing our Bleed damage.
Supply Room: Unlocking Treasures
We’ll find a hidden supply room behind a waterfall. A key will grant us access to this room with loot and open another shortcut.
Final Puzzle Aligning Statues In Remnant 2
The last challenge is a circular room with four statues and buttons. We must match the symbols on the wall to the statues using logic and trial-and-error. Success opens the final door to our prize.
The Red Widow Armor Set Power and Style
Behind the door awaits the Red Widow armor set: Red Widow Helm, Red Widow Cuirass, and Red Widow Leggings. This impressive set offers good protection and bonuses:
- Red Widow Helm: +10% Bleed damage, +10% Blight damage, +5% Toxin resistance, +15 armor rating.
- Red Widow Cuirass: +15% Bleed damage, +15% Blight damage, +10% Toxin resistance, +35 armor rating.
- Red Widow Leggings: +20% Bleed damage, +20% Blight damage, +15% Toxin resistance, +25 armor rating.
The Red Widow Armor Set location In Remnant 2
Step 1: Explore the region of Yaesha until you find The Lament dungeon. The Lament dungeon can be found in two possible locations: the Forgotten Grove or the Faithless Thicket. The Forgotten Grove is the starting area of Yaesha, where you’ll encounter friendly Pan villagers and hostile Root zombies. The Faithless Thicket is a later area that is filled with more dangerous enemies, such as Root shamans, Root warts, and Root brutes.
Step 2: Enter The Lament dungeon and complete its puzzles and challenges. You’ll have to crouch under arrow traps, match shrouded bodies with runes, break pots to find a key, and align statues with symbols. You’ll also have to fight some enemies along the way, so be prepared for combat as well.
Step 3: Reach the end of The Lament dungeon and open the three chests that contain each piece of the Red Widow armor set: Red Widow Helm, Red Widow Cuirass, and Red Widow Leggings. You can equip them right away or save them for later.
Step 4: Enjoy your new armor set and its benefits. The Red Widow armor set provides moderate protection and excels in Bleed and Blight resistance. It also offers limited resistance against Toxin damage. It also has a set bonus that increases your melee damage by 5% for each enemy within 10 meters, up to a maximum of 50%. This bonus works well with the Blood Font mod and the Blood-Tinged Ring, which you can also find in The Lament dungeon.
This was all in Remnant 2: Red Widow Armor | Guide and Location.
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