Steam World Build – How To Satisfy Citizens And Worker Needs

Steam World Build – How To Satisfy Citizens And Worker Needs SteamWorld Build is a game where you have to manage a mining town on a dying planet and dig up ancient technology to escape. One of the main challenges of the game is to satisfy the needs of your citizens and workers, who are steambots with different personalities and preferences. In this blog post, I will give you some tips and tricks on how to keep your steambots happy and productive.

Steam World Build - How To Satisfy Citizens And Worker Needs

What are the needs of steambots?

Steambots are the inhabitants of your town and the workers of your mine. They have four basic needs: water, fuel, food, and comfort. These needs are represented by bars that show how satisfied or dissatisfied they are. If a need is low, the steambot will become unhappy and less efficient. If a need is high, the steambot will become happy and more efficient. You can check the needs of each steambot by clicking on them or by opening the town overview menu.

  • Water is the most essential need for steambots, as they use it to power their steam engines. You can provide water to your steambots by building wells, water towers, and pipes. You can also upgrade your water infrastructure to increase the water supply and quality.
  • Fuel is the second most important need for steambots, as they use it to keep warm and run their machinery. You can provide fuel to your steambots by building coal mines, woodcutters, and fuel depots. You can also upgrade your fuel infrastructure to increase the fuel production and efficiency.
  • Food is the third most important need for steambots, as they use it to nourish their organic parts and maintain their health. You can provide food to your steambots by building farms, greenhouses, and food markets. You can also upgrade your food infrastructure to increase the food variety and quality.
  • Comfort is the fourth and least important need for steambots, as they use it to enjoy their leisure time and socialize with others. You can provide comfort to your steambots by building saloons, hotels, theaters, and parks. You can also upgrade your comfort infrastructure to increase the comfort options and attractiveness.
Steam World Build - How To Satisfy Citizens And Worker Needs

How to balance the needs of steambots?

Balancing the needs of steambots is not an easy task, as different steambots have different preferences and priorities. For example, some steambots may value comfort more than food, while others may value fuel more than water. You can learn more about the preferences of each steambot by reading their bios and traits. You can also use the town overview menu to see the average needs of your population and the satisfaction ratings of each need.

To balance the needs of steambots, you need to plan ahead and build accordingly. You need to make sure that you have enough resources and infrastructure to meet the demand of your growing population. You also need to make sure that you distribute your resources and infrastructure evenly across your town, so that every steambot can access them easily. You can use roads, rails, and conveyor belts to connect your buildings and transport your resources.

Conclusion for Steam World Build – How To Satisfy Citizens And Worker Needs

SteamWorld Build is a game that challenges you to satisfy the needs of your steambots and build a thriving mining town on a dying planet. By following these tips and tricks, you can keep your steambots happy and productive and achieve your ultimate goal of escaping the planet. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

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