SteamWorld Builds- How to Use Workshops And Extractors

SteamWorld Builds- How to Use Workshops And Extractors Workshops and extractors are two types of buildings that you can use in SteamWorld Build to improve your mining operations and obtain valuable resources. In this blog post, I will explain how to use workshops and extractors effectively and efficiently.

What are workshops and extractors?

Workshops and extractors are buildings that you can construct in the underground layers of your mine. They have different functions and requirements, but they both help you to produce and process resources that you can use for your town or trade with other factions.

Workshops are buildings that allow you to craft items and tools that you can use for mining or building. For example, you can craft pickaxes, drills, dynamite, turrets, bots, and more. Workshops require a power source, such as a generator or a battery, and a supply of materials, such as wood, metal, or spores. You can also upgrade your workshops to unlock new recipes and increase the crafting speed.

Extractors are buildings that allow you to extract resources from the environment or from special nodes. For example, you can extract water, oil, gas, crystals, or ancient relics. Extractors require a power source, such as a generator or a battery, and a connection to a conveyor belt or a pipe that transports the extracted resources to the surface or to another building. You can also upgrade your extractors to increase the extraction rate and efficiency.

SteamWorld Builds- How to Use Workshops And Extractors

How to use workshops and extractors?

  • First, you need to unlock the workshops and extractors by researching them in the research lab. You can find the research lab in the town overview menu, and you can use ancient relics or trade tokens to unlock new technologies.
  • Second, you need to build the workshops and extractors in the underground layers of your mine. You can find the building menu in the bottom right corner of the screen, and you can select the workshops and extractors from the mining tab. You can also rotate and move the buildings before placing them, and you can see the power and resource requirements of each building.
  • Third, you need to connect the workshops and extractors to a power source and a resource supply or output. You can use generators or batteries to provide power, and you can use conveyor belts or pipes to transport resources. You can also use switches, splitters, and filters to control the flow of power and resources. You can find the power and resource menu in the bottom left corner of the screen, and you can select the power and resource items from the mining tab.
  • Fourth, you need to assign workers to the workshops and extractors. You can use miners, prospectors, or mechanics to operate the workshops and extractors, depending on their function and skill. You can also use bots to automate the workshops and extractors, but they require more power and maintenance. You can find the worker menu in the top right corner of the screen, and you can drag and drop the workers to the workshops and extractors.
SteamWorld Builds- How to Use Workshops And Extractors

Tips and tricks

  • Workshops and extractors are not only useful for producing and processing resources, but also for exploring and expanding your mine. You can use workshops to craft items and tools that can help you break through obstacles and access new areas, and you can use extractors to extract resources that can reveal secrets and clues about the ancient technology and the planet’s history.
  • Workshops and extractors are not only affected by the power and resource supply and demand, but also by the environmental and situational factors. You can use workshops and extractors to adapt and respond to the changing conditions and events that may occur in your mine, such as droughts, blizzards, plagues, festivals, raids, invasions, and more. You can also use workshops and extractors to create and trigger your own events and effects, such as explosions, fires, floods, earthquakes, and more.
  • Workshops and extractors are not only limited by the space and capacity of your mine, but also by the relations and reputation of your town. You can use workshops and extractors to trade and barter with other towns and factions, and to improve or worsen your diplomatic status and influence. You can also use workshops and extractors to compete and cooperate with other towns and factions, and to participate or interfere in their activities and plans.

Conclusion for SteamWorld Builds– How to Use Workshops And Extractors

I hope this blog post was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

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