Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Should You Help Felek or Theobald

Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Should You Help Felek or Theobald Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader is a role-playing game set in the grimdark sci-fi universe of Warhammer 40K. You play as a rogue trader, a daring and ambitious explorer who commands a starship and seeks fortune and glory among the stars. Along the way, you will encounter various factions, enemies, and allies, and you will have to make choices that will shape your destiny and the fate of the galaxy.

One of the choices that you will face in the game is whether you should help Felek or Theobald, two rival members of the Orsellio Navigator House. Navigators are a special breed of humans who can guide starships through the warp, the chaotic and dangerous dimension of reality that allows faster-than-light travel. Navigators are essential for any rogue trader who wants to explore the galaxy, and securing the services of one is a major objective in the game.

Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Should You Help Felek or Theobald

How to Meet Felek and Theobald

You will meet Felek and Theobald on the planet Eurac V, where the Orsellio House has its headquarters. Eurac V is a frozen world that is plagued by warp storms and alien attacks. You will need to brave the harsh environment and the hostile forces to reach the Orsellio House and meet Cassia, who is the key to obtaining a navigator for your starship.

Should You Help Felek or Theobald?

The choice of helping Felek or Theobald is not an easy one, as both of them have their motives and agendas, and both of them have some truth and some lies in their accusations. However, there are some factors that you can consider to make your decision easier, such as the rewards, the consequences, and the morality of each option.

Helping Felek

If you decide to help Felek and kill Theobald, you will get the following rewards and consequences:

  • Rewards:
    • You will get more loot from Theobald’s body and his followers, including some rare and valuable items.
    • You will get the support of Felek and his allies, who will provide you with resources and information.
    • – You will get the approval of the UC Vanguard, who will see you as a loyal and trustworthy ally of the United Colonies.
  • Consequences:
    • You will lose the trust and respect of Cassia, who will see you as a murderer and a traitor. She will still join your starship as a navigator, but she will not be happy with you, and she may cause some problems for you in the future.
    • You will anger the Orsellio House, who will see you as an enemy and a usurper. They will not cooperate with you, and they may even try to sabotage or attack you.
    • You will risk the wrath of the warp, as Felek’s experiments and practices may have attracted the attention of the dark forces that dwell in the warp.
Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Should You Help Felek or Theobald

Helping Theobald

If you decide to help Theobald and kill Felek, you will get the following rewards and consequences:

  • Rewards:
    • You will get the friendship and gratitude of Cassia, who will see you as a hero and a savior. She will join your starship as a navigator, and she will be loyal and helpful to you, and she may even develop some romantic feelings for you.
    • You will get the support of the Orsellio House, who will see you as a benefactor and a protector. They will cooperate with you, and they will provide you with resources and information.
    • You will avoid the dangers of the warp, as Theobald’s actions and intentions may have appeased the warp and its inhabitants. You may face some benign and beneficial phenomena and allies that will aid you in your journey.
  • Consequences:
  • You will lose some loot from Felek’s body and his followers, as they will have less items and resources than Theobald’s side.
  • You will lose the favor of the UC Vanguard, who will see you as a rebel and a traitor. They will not trust you, and they may even try to arrest or kill you.
  • You will risk the wrath of the enemies of the Imperium, as Theobald’s betrayal and alliance may have attracted the attention of the alien races and the renegade factions that oppose the Imperium. You may face some fierce and powerful foes that will challenge your might and your faith.

Conclusion for Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Should You Help Felek or Theobald

The choice of helping Felek or Theobald is a matter of personal preference and playstyle, as both options have their pros and cons, and both options will affect your gameplay and your story in different ways. However, based on the available information and evidence, it seems that helping Theobald makes more sense from a moral and logical perspective, as Felek appears to be more guilty and more dangerous than Theobald. However, if you value the rewards and the alignment with the UC Vanguard more than the morality and the relationship with Cassia, then helping Felek may be a better option for you. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

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