We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip – Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Guide

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip – Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Guide. Unless you were living under a rock in recent years, you must have noticed a surge in demand for co-op gaming experiences. To meet this demand, the newest installment of the renowned We Were Here series realeased a new title. Known for its engagingly designed co-op adventures, We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip was released as a surprise.

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip – Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Guide

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip continues the familiar blend of adventure, collaboration, and challenge. With outcomes influenced by trusted friends or even unpredictable strangers.

Since the game is all about solving different puzzles to move on to the next one, it can get quite tedious to find the solution every time. In this article, we will talk about We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip’s Crewmate Carousel Puzzle and guide you on how to solve it.

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip – How to Solve Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Guide

Communication is essential in the Crewmate Carousel puzzle. Both players will enter a room with the player on the left having a Ticket Machine in their room. This machine will be used to reward the players based on their performance.

The puzzle will be divided into three stages, each with five rounds. Players will receive the gold ticket if they complete all three stages without making any mistakes. The puzzle can be completed after the first stage, but it will only earn you a Bronze Ticket. And if you manage to complete Stage 2 as well, you will be awarded a Silver Ticket.

The Crewmate Carousel puzzle revolves around selecting the appropriate symbols for the pirates’ emotions. On the side curtain, one player will notice a pirate acting out an emotion and several symbols. The other player will notice pirates acting out emotions with various symbols beneath them.

Both the players must communicate with each other to find the correct symbol for the pirate displaying an emotion before the timer runs out.

As mentioned earlier, even though there are three stages that you need to complete if you wish to earn the Golden Ticket, completing just the first stage will easily unlock the next puzzle for you to proceed to.

Nevertheless, here is the guide to all three of the Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Stages solutions.

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip – Crewmate Carousel Puzzle Guide

Crewmate Carousel PuzzleStage 1

  • Player B will have a Pirate acting emotional with a “?” beneath it and four symbols on the side curtain. Player A will have four pirates acting out various emotions, each with a different symbol beneath them.
  • Player B must explain the pirate’s emotion to Player A, and Player A must find the pirate’s similar emotion at their end and tell Player B the symbol beneath that pirate.
  • When Player B presses the correct symbol at the end, Stage 1 is completed.
  • Stage 1 of Crewmate Carousel ends after you successfully complete 5 rounds.

Stage 2

this stage is the same as Stage 1, but the roles of the players will be reversed with Player B having the four pirates with symbols and Player A having a Pirate with four symbols and a “?’ underneath it.

Stage 3

During Stage 3, the roles will alternate every round, but with more symbols.

Completing any Stage successfully will end the test and award players with a stage ticket, allowing them to proceed to their next test, Maps & Markers.

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