Kill Songbird or Save Her in Phantom Liberty

Kill Songbird or Save her in Phantom Liberty Phantom Liberty is the first and final DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, the dystopian sci-fi RPG by CD Projekt Red. The DLC features a new spy-thriller story set in a new district of Night City, Dogtown, where you have to infiltrate a secret facility and save the NUS President from a terrorist plot. Along the way, you will encounter a new character, Songbird, who is a former agent and a potential love interest. However, you will also have to make a difficult choice: kill Songbird or save her.

Kill Songbird or Save her in Phantom Liberty

Who is Songbird?

Songbird is a mysterious woman who contacts you at the beginning of the DLC and offers you a lucrative job: to rescue the NUS President, who has been kidnapped by a rogue faction of the NCPD called the Patriots. The Patriots are planning to use the President as a bargaining chip to force the NUS government to withdraw from Night City and leave it to its own fate. Songbird claims to be an independent contractor who has been hired by an anonymous client to stop the Patriots and save the President.

However, as you progress through the DLC, you will learn more about Songbird’s true identity and motives. She is actually a former agent of the NUS Secret Service, who was assigned to protect the President during his visit to Night City. However, she was betrayed by her partner, Reed, who turned out to be a Patriot mole. Reed shot Songbird and left her for dead, while he took the President to the Patriots’ hideout.

Kill Songbird or Save her in Phantom Liberty

Songbird survived the attack, but was severely wounded and infected with a cyber-virus that slowly corrupted her mind and body. She managed to escape from the hospital and went into hiding, using her skills and contacts to track down Reed and the Patriots. She also hired you as her backup, hoping that you could help her complete her mission and get revenge on Reed.

However, Songbird’s cyber-virus also made her unstable and unpredictable. She became obsessed with saving the President and killing Reed, even if it meant sacrificing innocent lives or betraying you. She also developed feelings for you, but she was unsure if they were genuine or just a side effect of the virus.

Kill Songbird or Save Her?

Kill Songbird or Save her in Phantom Liberty

The DLC’s climax takes place at the Patriots’ facility, where you have to fight your way through their forces and reach the President’s cell. There, you will face Reed, who will reveal his plan to execute the President live on TV and spark a civil war in Night City. He will also tell you that Songbird has been lying to you all along, and that she is actually working for another faction that wants to use the President as a pawn in their own agenda.

At this point, you will have to make a choice: kill Songbird or save her.

If you choose to kill Songbird, you will shoot her in the head before she can harm the President or Reed. You will then free the President and escape from the facility with him. You will be hailed as a hero by the NUS government and receive a huge reward for your services. However, you will also feel guilty for killing Songbird, who was your ally and lover. You will wonder if there was another way to save her from the virus and redeem her from her past.

If you choose to save Songbird, you will shoot Reed in the head before he can harm the President or Songbird. You will then free both of them and escape from the facility with them. You will be hailed as a hero by the NUS government and receive a huge reward for your services. However, you will also face some consequences for saving Songbird, who is still infected with the virus and wanted by several factions. You will have to protect her from her enemies and find a way to cure her from the virus. You will also have to deal with her feelings for you, which may be genuine or not.

Conclusion for Kill Songbird or Save her in Phantom Liberty

The choice between killing Songbird or saving her in Phantom Liberty is one of the most difficult and impactful decisions in Cyberpunk 2077. It affects not only your relationship with Songbird, but also your reputation with other factions and characters in Night City. It also reflects your moral values and personal preferences as a player. There is no right or wrong answer, only different outcomes and consequences.

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