My Little Blood Cult – How To Catch Demons

My Little Blood Cult – How To Catch Demons My Little Blood Cult, a dark comedy game where you play as a cult leader who must sacrifice followers to appease an ancient blood god. In this blog post, I will tell you how to catch demons, which are rare and powerful creatures that can be used as offerings or allies.

What are demons and why catch them in My Little Blood Cult?

Demons are supernatural beings that inhabit the underworld, a dark and dangerous realm that can be accessed through the pit in your cult’s base. Demons come in various shapes and sizes, from small imps and bats to giant dragons and krakens. Each demon has a unique name, appearance, and ability that can benefit your cult in different ways. Catching demons in My Little Blood Cult is a rewarding and challenging activity that can help you grow your cult and increase your power. Some of the reasons to catch demons are:

  • You can use demons as offerings to the blood god, who will grant you more gold and favor depending on the rarity and quality of the demon.
  • You can use demons as allies to fight alongside you in battles and raids, where they will unleash their special abilities and deal massive damage to your enemies.
  • You can use demons as trophies to decorate your base and impress your followers, who will admire your skill and courage and become more loyal and devoted to you.
My Little Blood Cult - How To Catch Demons

How to catch demons in My Little Blood Cult?

To catch demons in My Little Blood Cult, you need to use a special fishing rod that can be obtained by completing the first quest in the game, where you have to sacrifice 10 followers to the blood god. Once you have the fishing rod, you can start catching demons by following these steps:

  • Go to the pit in your base and click on it to cast your rod.
  • Wait for a demon to appear and get close to your bait. You will see an exclamation mark (!) above the demon’s head when it is ready to bite.
  • Click on the screen to reel in the demon. You will enter a fishing minigame, where you have to press the button to move the box around and keep it near the demon while also clicking any of the symbols that show up.
  • If you manage to fill up the bar at the top of the screen, you will successfully catch the demon. If you fail to do so, the Demon will escape and you will lose your bait.‍
My Little Blood Cult - How To Catch Demons

How to improve your chances of catching demons in My Little Blood Cult?

Catching demons in My Little Blood Cult is not easy, as they are rare, elusive, and strong. However, there are some ways to improve your chances of catching demons, such as:

  • Using better bait: You can use different items as bait, such as meat, bones, organs, and gems. Each item has a different value and attractiveness, which will affect the type and frequency of the demons that will appear. You can also use alchemy to transform your items into more potent bait, such as blood, flesh, and souls.
  • Using better equipment: You can upgrade your fishing rod and other fishing equipment, such as hooks, lines, and reels. Each upgrade will improve the performance and durability of your equipment, which will make it easier and faster to reel in the demons.
  • Using better skills: You can learn and use different skills that will help you catch demons, such as vision, patience, and reflex. Each skill will give you an advantage and a bonus in the fishing minigame, such as seeing the demon’s movements, slowing down the time, and increasing the box size.

Conclusion for My Little Blood Cult – How To Catch Demons

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new. If you want to know more about My Little Blood cult, you can check out our other blogs

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