My Little Blood Cult – Money Farming | How To Get Gold

My Little Blood Cult – Money Farming | How To Get Gold My Little Blood Cult, a dark comedy game where you play as a cult leader who must sacrifice followers to appease an ancient blood god. In this blog post, I will tell you how to get gold, the main currency in the game, and what you can use it for.

What is gold and what can you use it for in My Little Blood Cult?

Gold is the primary resource in My Little Blood Cult. You need gold to buy various items and upgrades that will help you grow your cult and increase your power. Some of the things you can spend gold on are:

  • Recruiting new followers: You can use gold to hire different types of followers, such as farmers, warriors, priests, and spies. Each follower has a unique skill and role in your cult.
  • Building and upgrading structures: You can use gold to construct and improve various buildings, such as temples, farms, barracks, and shrines. Each building provides different benefits and bonuses to your cult.
  • Researching and unlocking technologies: You can use gold to fund research projects that will unlock new technologies, such as weapons, spells, rituals, and potions. Each technology will give you an edge over your enemies and rivals.
  • Trading and bribing: You can use gold to trade with other factions, such as merchants, bandits, and kingdoms. You can also use gold to bribe or blackmail them to gain their favor or avoid their wrath.
My Little Blood Cult - Money Farming | How To Get Gold

How to get gold in My Little Blood Cult?

There are several ways to get gold in My Little Blood Cult, but some of them are more efficient and profitable than others. Here are some of the best methods to farm gold in the game:

  • Sacrificing followers: This is the most basic and reliable way to get gold in the game. You can sacrifice any of your followers to the blood god by dragging them to the altar. The amount of gold you get depends on the quality and quantity of the followers you sacrifice. The higher the level and rarity of the follower, the more gold you get. You can also use special items and rituals to boost the gold output of your sacrifices.
  • Raiding and looting: This is the most risky and rewarding way to get gold in the game. You can raid and loot other factions, such as villages, caravans, and castles. The amount of gold you get depends on the strength and wealth of the faction you raid. The stronger and richer the faction, the more gold you get. However, you also have to face their resistance and retaliation, which can result in casualties and losses for your cult.
My Little Blood Cult - Money Farming | How To Get Gold
  • Farming and harvesting: This is the most steady and sustainable way to get gold in the game. You can farm and harvest various crops, such as wheat, corn, and grapes. The amount of gold you get depends on the yield and quality of the crops you farm. The higher the yield and quality of the crop, the more gold you get. You can also use special items and technologies to improve the productivity and profitability of your farms.
  • Selling and trading: This is the most flexible and versatile way to get gold in the game. You can sell and trade various items, such as weapons, armor, potions, and relics. The amount of gold you get depends on the demand and supply of the items you sell. The higher the demand and lower the supply of the item, the more gold you get. You can also use special items and skills to negotiate and bargain for better prices and deals.

Conclusion for My Little Blood Cult – Money Farming | How To Get Gold

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new. If you want to know more about My Little Blood Cult checkout our other blogs Thankyou for reading.

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