What Is BG3 Old Garlows Place?

What Is BG3 Old Garlows Place? Old Garlow’s Place is a location in Baldur’s Gate 3, a role-playing video game based on the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy tabletop system. It is a rundown building in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, where a group of hag survivors are hiding from Auntie Ethel, a powerful and evil witch. In this blog post, we will explain what Old Garlow’s Place is, how to get there, and what to do there.

What is Old Garlow’s Place?

Old Garlow’s Place is the former residence of a man named Garlow, who was a friend and ally of Auntie Ethel. He helped her with her experiments and rituals, until he betrayed her and tried to escape with some of her secrets. Auntie Ethel found out and killed him, leaving his place abandoned and haunted. Years later, some of Ethel’s former victims, who managed to escape her clutches, found refuge in Old Garlow’s Place. They are a group of hag survivors, who were once human women that Ethel turned into hags. They are led by Vanra, a young girl who was swallowed by Ethel and is slowly becoming a hag herself.

What Is BG3 Old Garlows Place?

How to get to Old Garlow’s Place?

To get to Old Garlow’s Place, you need to follow these steps:

  • Start from the Lower City Central Wall waypoint, which is near the Basilisk Gate Barracks.
  • Head south, following the main road until you reach the Counting House, a large building with a sign that says “Moneylenders”.
  • Turn east, and look for a dilapidated building with boarded up windows and a broken door. This is Old Garlow’s Place. The coordinates are X: -51, Y: -145.
  • Break down the door and enter the building. You will see a staircase leading to the basement, where the hag survivors are hiding.

What to do in Old Garlow’s Place?

There are several things you can do in Old Garlow’s Place, depending on your choices and actions. Here are some of them:

  • Talk to the hag survivors and learn more about their situation and history. You can also persuade them to join you in your fight against Auntie Ethel, or betray them and reveal their location to her.
  • Find the wall safe near a wooden barrel and unlock it with a lockpick. Inside, you will find the recipe and ingredients for the Hag’s Bane potion, which can counter Ethel’s magic and cure Vanra of her hag curse.
What Is BG3 Old Garlows Place?

Conclusion for What Is BG3 Old Garlows Place?

Old Garlow’s Place is a key location in Baldur’s Gate 3, where you can encounter a group of hag survivors and learn more about Auntie Ethel’s schemes. You can also find the Hag’s Bane potion, which is vital for the quest involving Vanra and Ethel. What you do in Old Garlow’s Place will have consequences for the rest of the game, so choose wisely.

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